Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A step in a new direction

I have recently had the opportunity to become a clinical supervisor- not a practicum supervisor this time, but I am now someone who is regularly consulted by a professional music therapist for ongoing support and learning.  This is so thrilling and exciting to me!

I certainly haven't made any secret of the fact that I'm a great big fan of clinical supervision, having had my own supervision (with the same clinical supervisor) for the past fifteen years (did I just say fifteen years?  Yikes!). 

I have, on more than one occasion, stated that supervision saved my music therapy life. I'm not being melodramatic in saying that- it's true. Receiving clinical supervision from a more experienced music therapist has given me the confidence to share my work in presentations and in writing, and it's created a deep passion in me for the work that I do. Now it's given me the courage to learn how to support other music therapists as they develop their own professional identity.

I'm finding that being a clinical supervisor asks much the same things of me that being a clinician does. There are many of the same elements- the need to pay attention, slow down, sit quietly sometimes, notice my own reactions, and, of course, there is the ever-present experience of uncertainty.   

I have noticed how much I look forward to these weekly sessions. Even when I don't know the answer, I love the effort it takes to think about how to respond and pondering the cases my supervisee has shared with me after we finish talking.  

More than anything I'm waiting for the day when we can do live clinical supervision, so that we can more easily use the music as a part of the process.  

What an honor to be able to share in another person's journey toward becoming a music therapist.

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