Saturday, April 9, 2011

Can I get a witness?

Maddeningly, I managed to catch a cold the minute I returned to work. Well, I suppose it has to happen once in a while. As such, I've spent the last two days mostly napping and reading (and, of course, feeling guilty about missing work) (so much for my "perfect music therapist" fantasy) (ahem).

So, while I'm sneezing away here, I figure it's a good a time as any to post an update.

Update #1: The two taboo topics presentations seemed to go fairly well. There was a lot of dialogue, and a couple of people came up to me afterward and told me they had continued the conversation (some from last year) at their workplaces (which is very cool). 

Update #2: I submitted a proposal to do the CMTE (the one I just did at the Mid-Atlantic Regional conference) at the national conference (that would be for the American Music Therapy Association). I changed the title though (just the title). I proposed it as "Developing the Art of Self-Reflection: Exploring the Relationship Between Therapists and Clients". We shall see what happens. 

Update #3: I'm in the process of organizing myself (a task, I admit) so I can put a goodly portion of the work I did on the CMTE into a book (or a monograph of some sort).  Why am I telling you this (you may well be asking)? Because now that I've put it out into the blogosphere, I'll be forced to get on with it and do it! 

Update #4: I had a very touching experience (when I got back to work) with a small group of women who usually react to my absences by being quite challenging and doing a lot of testing and such. This time around, when I showed up on Monday, they all gathered closely around me while I sang "hello" to them. It was so sweet! And...

Update #5: ...the whole session was made even more phenomenal by the fact that their staff person (when approached by a client from another group who wanted to come and sing with us) very beautifully and kindly explained to her, "It's really nice that you want to come and sing, but this is a music therapy group, and Roia is working specifically with the ladies in this group on goals and stuff. She'll be here on Thursday to do the singing group, and you can go join her then." Sproing!!! Somebody shout "amen!" because that was probably one of the most respectful moments I've had in my career as a music therapist! I am so sending her boss a  happy note of "check out what your cool staff person said!"

I think that's pretty much the story so far. It was a good conference, I must say. It was particularly lovely to put some faces to names I know via Twitter and the music therapy list serv. And there were some really excellent and thought-provoking presentations. Another delight was gathering with music therapy colleagues and students to just play music togehter. Of course, staying up way too late probably contributed to my ending up catching a cold, but it was worth it. 


Janice Lindstrom, MA, MT-BC said...

Nice Roia! isn't it wonderful when we get to realize that people do understand what we do?

Hope you feel better soon.

Becoming Liberamente said...

fantastic Roia. so glad to hear aobut your session and that brilliant staff member - we all need more like that!

Do get on and write up your CMTE pres. I look forward to being able to have a read.

Laura Cousins said...

Ah, it's really good to read your updates and nod, sagely, at how busy you are. I also admire your technique of 'getting it out there' in order to motivate yourself.

May I just ask - have you changed the colour of your posting text? I'm finding it awfully difficult to read - very dark - but I wasn't certain if that was just because of my browser (I'm using Safari on a MacBook)

L x

Roia said...

@Janice Thanks for the good wishes re: my health. I am usually the queen of health. Rough couple of weeks, I guess. And, yes, nice to know that people were listening when I drilled what I do into their eager (okay, not so eager- tolerant) minds.

@Doc and @Laura Thank you, both. I figure that saying it out loud (since I seem to be perpetually with this taboo business) is what will force me into action. So far not much else has. (insert eye roll here)

@Laura If I've changed the color of the font, it's not on purpose. I don't think it looks any different. Anyone? Anyone? Not sure what to tell you. Sorry for eye discomfort (helpless shrug). Rats.

Anita said...

No font color discomfort for me.

What a wonderful comment from staff!
I hope your CMTE is selected. That topic is so essential and your experiences will give life to the material.

Roia said...

@Anita Thanks for the good vibes, and I guess we'll find out sooner or later about AMTA's feelings on the subject. I will definitely be curious.

Julie said...

So I gave you my cold? Sorry, Roia. I try to share with others, but not the nasty stuff. I guess I was laughing so hard at your antics that I couldn't help but breathe on you a bit too much. ;-)

No font color changes here, although sometimes it initially comes up with a dark background, then changes into the white notebook paper image after it fully loads (slow technology).

I hope your CMTE makes the cut. Keep us posted on that.

Lastly, what a great comment from the staff member! Advocacy success story!

Roia said...

No @Julie, I don't think it was you. My clients were all sniffy and snotty when I got back from the conference. My resistance was down, my stress was was a match made in, um, well, you know. Thanks for the good CMTE vibes, and a total (as opposed to partial) hooray for the staff person who got it!